From the Organist & Choirmaster

This weekend Saint Andrew’s will celebrate two important liturgies, The Feast of Saint Andrew on Saturday, and The First Sunday of Advent with Confirmation on Sunday. Both of these celebrations are so important for us at Saint Andrew’s, observing our patronal feast for the 111th time in our beautiful space; then the next day welcoming a new liturgical year and our Bishop who will confirm eight parishioners into the life of this Church and the Episcopal Church.

Music for the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle will include Thomas Tallis, Anton Bruckner, and Thomas Walmisley. Of course wonderful hymnody exists that is appropriate for Saint Andrew’s Day, among my favorites is Cecil Francis Alexander’s text Jesus calls us o’er the tumult. It is one of the few number of hymns that mention Saint Andrew by name, in verse two. The thread that binds the text together is the call of Christ, just as Christ called the first apostles, Andrew being the very first along with his bother Peter, we are called by Christ to continue in the call to fish for people. That call is for a total commitment to “follow me” even amidst “life’s wild restless sea.” A friend painted a wooden board with the hymn’s third verse to H.W. Jude’s hymn tune “Galilee.” It’s my favorite verse of the hymn:

“Jesus calls us from the worship of the vain world’s golden store, from each idol that would keep us, saying, ‘Christian, love me more.’”

On Sunday, the Bishop will confirm eight parishioners here, four of whom are choristers in the parish choir! Gabe Colvert, our Bass Lay Clerk, Leah Jones, our Soprano Lay Clerk, and Kyle and Mikaela McGucken, two faithful volunteers. I’m proud to witness their collective and individual journeys as Christians and am overjoyed that they have chosen to be confirmed in this great church. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for confirmation on Sunday.



What is Confirmation?


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