What is Confirmation?
This Sunday, December 1, we have the joy of welcoming Bishop Glenda Curry to Saint Andrew’s as she leads us in celebrating the rite of confirmation. Eight parishioners will affirm their faith and be confirmed into The Episcopal Church during this special service.
In Anglican tradition, confirmation is a sacramental rite where those baptized into Christ renew their commitment to follow him, empowered by the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by the Bishop. It is a moment of deepened faith, strengthened by the presence of the Bishop as a sign of our shared communion with the wider Church.
The Bishop’s visitation is also a reminder of our unity with the broader Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. As a parish, we are blessed to celebrate this sacred occasion and to recommit ourselves to the mission of Christ in the world.
Please join us in prayer and thanksgiving for those being confirmed, and for Bishop Curry’s ministry among us!
If you're interested in learning more about confirmation, or baptism, please contact Fr. Peter Helman (rector@standrewsbham.org).