Stewardship Update

"Let us with gladness present the offerings and oblations of our life and labor to the Lord." (Book of Common Prayer, p. 377)


Thank you for your remarkable support as we strive together to offer back to God the fullness of our lives, for the sake of the world.

As of today, we’ve received 51 pledges totaling $264,815, bringing us to 71% of our financial goal of $375,000 and 64% of our target of 80 pledges.

If you’re still discerning your pledge, we invite you to prayerfully consider joining us in shaping the future of Saint Andrew’s. Together, we can ensure that the light of the Gospel continues to shine brightly for generations to come.

Below are links to helpful resources: 2025 Stewardship Campaign Booklet, Summary of Parish Finances, and Pledge Form & Ways to Give.

The Vestry and Stewardship Committee will continue to share updates in the coming months as we receive your pledges and donations. Thank you for walking in love nd living out our shared mission!


Saint Andrew’s Blanket Drive


Saint Andrew’s Annual Meeting